Wednesday, September 23, 2009


One time, back in the seventh grade when i was more young and immature, I tried to convince my friend to get into a fight. I didn't like the other girl in fact all my friends really didn't care for her at all. So I had just came back from suspension. Then I seen my friend and told her to fight the girl we didn't like. She looked at me kind of scared but I told her if she was really my friend she would do it. Then she started getting hesitant and changed the subject. So i forgot about it until lunch, I seen the girl again and she was still saying stuff about my friend. So I went to look for my friend to try to get her to fight. I ended up finding her and told her the girl was saying stuff about her. I kind of added a little more things into it then what she really had said. Just so it would get her to fight. So i seen the other walk by me and my friend laughing and I was like "ohhh did you heart that? She just said something about you!" I lied though I didn't really hear her say anything at all. So my friend got a really pissed off look on her face and decided to finally fight her.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I would like to see sports improve in schools. More people joining, because their are more and more less active people every year. Its keeps kids out of trouble, and healthy. When more kids start to do it, then more and more of there friends will start joining too. Also, some high schools are already losing sports. Not to kids not joining but to money loss. The sad thing about it is that the schools that are losing sports are the ones that have the most kids joining them.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Me and Gabriel decided that we wanted to go to a giants game, so we let a couple of our friends know about it. We picked a day to go, and everyone was fine with the date. So my dad came over a couple days before the game so i decided to invite him to the game too so that he could meet gabriel. Gabriel invited his best friend Sean which was fine because Sean was the reason me and him met and I was really good friends with him too. I invited my best friend Jessica and another friend Joey and my dad. I bought all the tickets and they payed me back except my dad and Jessica because I offered to pay for them. My dad was taking all of us. So I ended up having work that day, so I went to work first got off work at four. Then we headed straight to the game. I had a giants beanie and a Tim Lincecum shirt (my favorite player). Jessica had a jersey, my dad had a jersey, and sean had a giants shirt along with Joey. The only one who didn't have any Giants things on was Gabriel. So when we got to the stadium he bought a shirt. When we had got to the game Gabriel told me that my dad was playing around with him telling him he didn't like A's fans. Because Gabriel is an A's fan.As the game went on him and my dad sat next to each other and where talking to each other quite a few times. They where actually getting a long which is a good sign because my dad rarely gets a long with any of my friends period. I was happy to see them talking. Then on the way home my dad told him to sit in the front and he had the most scared look on his face. He said okay and sat in the front. They where just talking and laughing the whole way home and I got bored and decided to fall asleep.
Gabriel and I went to Gunderson High Schools Jr and Sr prom. He was dressed nicely in black tuxedo and a green tie. I had gotten to the girls house that we where all meeting at kind of late. So i was in basketball shorts and a t-shirt. He was the first one to come up to me and tell me i looked beautiful even though i was dressed like that. So i just smiled and walked away. I went inside the house to get dressed and when I came out I noticed him starring at me. So i went up to him to put his flower on. But i really didn't know how to. So i poked him and he kind of jumped so I let my mom put it on him. Then he put mine on and we went to go take our pictures in front of the limo. He seemed so happy. He just had the biggest smile on his face the whole time. Once we got inside the limo. He put on the I'm every woman and started singing it. So i just gave him the weirdest look but I liked that he was that comfortable around me so I started singing it with him. We finally got to the prom and the first thing he did was go to the picture line. He told me he was going to make a funny face. So I said no! the pictures actually came out very nice. After we where done with that he asked me if I wanted something to drink and I said yea so he went and got it for me. S0 when he came back we talked for a while and he told me he was starting to have more than friendship feelings wit me. Then he tried to kiss me but ended up spilling his drink hah. Then our friends came and told us to go dance so we did. We only danced with each other the whole time. Then it was over so we got our stuff and headed to the limo. We got back to Jessica's house he gave me a kiss on the cheek and told me he would call me later.